Sunday, August 03, 2008

Tax Free is the way to be, for the weekend anyways.

Why can't I ever keep up with this whole blogging thing?!
This weekend was TN tax FREE weekend. So no taxes on clothing/computers/school supplies. I took advantage of it PLUS Goodwill's 50% off everything on Saturday. I got Korben 3 pairs of Jeans and a pair of brown cords. Picked up Julianna some tie shoes (she is growing out of her other tennis shoes, blisters and all). I also got her a dress, two pairs of pants, a shirt and a Monsters Inc long sleeve shirt that she absolutely loves. Trenton got about 8 sleepers, 4 white onesies, and a few outfits that he can grown into in the following years. I got everything for $37. Very awesome value considering 95% of the items looked brand new, some with original tags on them.
Today I took Korben to Ross to pick out a few brand new shirts for school. He got 5, mostly short sleeved plus a leather belt, camo brim hat and I got myself some workout pants and a workout shirt. I spent about 75 there. Still no tax but I about cringed when she said $75 after the good trip at Goodwill the other day. Then we went to Target and picked up a organization shelf for all of Korben's Legos. I don't think they will all fit, but maybe 3/4 will, crossing fingers they do. Since it was just Korben and I, I splruged and got him a large Icee, which he drank until he about burst. lol There were 4 flavors and he put all of them in his cup. GROSS! He did refill his cup before we left so he could bring some home to Julianna. I had to stop myself from buying alot of things there. I could spend a ton and not even flinch. Horriable addiction.
Matt's Godfather, Ray, came up and picked Korben up for the week. Korben loves it there and I promised him that he could go up one more time before school starts. He is coming back Thursday night. On Friday he has registration for school. We will find out who his teacher is and whatelse he needs for school. I hope not much more that what we already bought. Schools don't supply anything for the teachers except a classroom. So they always draw up wish lists and hope parents buy things for the room. I already picked up post-it notes and dry erase markers. I just wish more parents could buy things for the teachers too. I know alot can't afford it, but thank God we can this year, so I am more than happy to buy a few extras since I can't volunteer in the classroom.

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