Yeah, its been a while. Sorry for the delay. We have been busy every weekend and it seems like I can't take a quick breather to update here. So let me see....What have you all missed since the last post.
Halloween! Kids had fun. I pushed Julianna in her stroller. The first two houses (My neighbors and her neighbor)I let Julianna walk up and get some goodies. Well the second house she walks right into the house. I didn't even know the guy. As soon as we got her, she was put into the stroller for the rest of the time. Korben got 2 big bag fulls of candy. We are STILL eating it all. I swear we will have candy left over till Easter!
Cub Scouts is doing good too! I am still the Wolf Den Leader. This month their theme is Cubs in Shining Armor. Last monday we made shields and they decorated them. All the boys seemed to really enjoy it. I am not sure what craft we will be doing tomorrow. Maybe making 'castle towers' out of plastic bottles and using them to make a bowling game. Have to see what bottles I have in the recycle bags.
This year we are going to Ohio for Thanksgiving. We will be leaving here at 4pm on Wednesday and arriving there around midnight. I will finally meet my 'step' sister in law Donna. And she will finally meet the crazy kids. haha
I am going to have a super small birthday party/gathering for Julianna's 2nd Birthday. Since her birthday is on Dec. 2nd and none of my relatives can really celebrate with us, I figure I will get her a small cake and have her open a few gifts while we are there. We are also going to give our nephews and niece their Christmas gifts since I already have them. Its easier to just give them then to mail them around the holidays.
I just noticed I wrote mostly about the kids. I should have put this in their blog. Oh well.
Oh I want to say HELLO!!!! to my Two Aunts. NAncy told me that Amber hooked you two up and now you can read what is going on here in TN. Oh and don't mind Matt's language in his blog. He didn't know anyone but his buddies were reading it. oops!